UWR: NDC avows to resist attempts of vote padding in the electoral roll, intensifies calls for forensic audit

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The opposition National Democratic Congress in the Upper West Region has intensified calls for forensic audit to be conducted on the electoral roll of the 2024 voters register.

The party avows to resist any attempt of the electoral commission to engage in vote padding exercise in the Upper West Region and Ghana at large.

In a press conference organized by the Communication Bureau of the party in Wa on September 16, 2024, the Upper West Regional Communications Officer of the NDC, Mr. Issah Kantagyere points out anomalies contained in the Provisional Voters Register especially in the Upper West Region stressing that, the magnitude of the discrepancies observed by the party cannot be underestimated.

He thereby called on the Electoral Commission and stakeholders specially the National Peace Council and other Civil Society Organizations as well as Faith Based Organizations to intervene and press home, the demand of the NDC for the register to be subjected into independent forensic audits.

Kantagyere furthered that, the adverse effect of conducting the 2024 general elections with a porous register cannot be ascertained, stressing that, the EC should be held responsible for any disturbances that may characterize the 2024 general elections if the NDC’s call for an independent forensic audit is not heeded to.

Issah Kantagyere, NDC Regional Communications Officer, Upper West Region.

He seized the opportunity and  called on well meaning Ghanaians who have the country at heart to all join the National Democratic Congress’ demonstrantion slated for September 17, 2024 nationwide to express their dissastisfaction over the weak status of the current register.

Read below  the full statement of the NDC issued by the Communications Officer of the Party:



The National Democratic Congress in the Upper West Region as a critical stakeholder in the electoral process has noted with deep concern, widespread infractions and discrepancies in the voters register following the exhibition of the voters’ register in almost all the Constituencies in the region. The extent and magnitude of these discrepancies are so deep and has the potential to negatively impact the outcomes of the 2024 elections. Based on these discrepancies, we are demanding the EC to open up for an independent forensic audit of the voters register before the 2024 elections to restore credibility and confidence in the electoral process to make the outcomes of the 2024 elections acceptable to all stakeholders.

In the Wa Central Constituency, a good number of registered voters numbering about 27 bearing valid EC Voter ID cards could not find their names in the voters register during the exhibition of the voters register.

We also realized that, some qualified voters have their names placed on the exceptional or multiple list. Also, some persons whose eligibility were challenged during the registration still had their names intact in the PVR although they did not appear before the committee that was set up by the EC.

We equally realized that, at some polling stations, the number of registered voters in the registers provided to the NDC are either less or more than what is contained in the PVR. At Bamahu Primary 1 and 2 Polling Stations for instance, the total number of registered voters were 554 and 553 respectively, meanwhile in the registers given to the NDC in pen drives had 559 and 558 respectively. Others include Kompaala Mosque where we have 443 as against 450. Also, at Central Mosque in Bamahu A and B, different figures were churned out against what was recorded.

These and many more were the issues identified in the PVR in the Wa Municipality. This is clear evidenced of padding and the reason we are demanding an independent forensic audit of the voters register to ensure its credibility.

Again, in the Daffiama/Bussie/Issa Constituency, a lot of anomalies such as special voters having their names on both special voters’ list at the same time on the PVR in Kajokperi Primary A and B. At Kajokperi Primay B, we have multiple list of 9 names duplicated. At Fian Primary A and B, we realized that the EC printed the old version of the special voters register instead of the current one. These and many more irregularities have been discovered at DBI hence the need for the independent forensic audit to ensure credibility of the register before the 2024 elections.

In the Lambussie Constituency, serious infractions were realized, specifically, the total number of registrants in the EC PVR indicated 30,856 registered voters while the data given to the NDC had 29,475 total registered voters, a shortfall of 1,381. Again on the transfer list of the EC PVR, it had 582, meanwhile what was given to the NDC had a total number of 1,676 a difference (addition) of 1,094.

The question is where from this 1094 additional voters? Again, in the exception list given to the NDC, we have 937 while in the EC own PVE, we had only 29 rames. Where is this additional 848 voters coming from? These are clear evidence of manipulation of the voters register before the 2024 elections. The full extent and magnitude of these manipulations in the register can only be detected through an independent forensic audit, hence our demand.

In the Lawra Constituency for instance, the EC’s own register had a total figure of 26,846, while during the exhibition exercise, we realized a total of 27,392. Where from the additional 545 voters in the register? Another clear case of padding in the PVR.

In the Nandom Constituevy, some qualified voters wiio legitimately registered, could not find their names on the EC PVR. We rave equally realized that, so ne foreigners/non-natives numbering about 208 have their names on the register in PS such as Kokoligu Primary, Bekyeredeengangn, Gyodergangn, Bikyiiteng, Gbatakuuri, Bapula and Tampelle.

We have equally realized that, the EC and the NPP are secretly doing illegal transfers even though the transfer window is closed.

We also did realize that, some security officers who are not from the Constituency and neither reside nor work there were found on the transfer list, which is unacceptable per the EC’s own regulations/guidelines.

These and many more are the reasons why we are calling for an independent forensic audit of the PVR.

NDC We also did realize that, the EC effected a lot of transfers running into thousands without those individuals physically appearing at the EC Office to request such transfers. These and many more across the eleven Constituencies are some of the discrepancies realized by the NDC in the UWR.

We therefore wish to ask the following questions:


  1. Is it too much to ask for an independent forensic audit of the voters register before the December 7 elections?


  1. Why is the EC afraid of an independent forensic audit of the register? . Is there something that they are hiding from the general public? III


  1. Why is the EC running away from their own motto of TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY?


  1. Is the EC now an appendage of the NPP?


  1. Why is the EC afraid to re exhibit the register if indeed they have done any correction?

The NDC is of the strong conviction that answering questions honestly and truthfully through an independent forensic audit is non-negotiable and essential for safeguarding the credibility of Ghana’s elections.

The audit will ensure that the upcoming elections will reflect the true will of the sovereign people of Ghana. We therefore urge the EC to desist from the needless rationalization of their avoidable errors.

The EC must understand that the credibility of Ghana’s democratic process hinges on the integrity of its electoral institutions and as a major stakeholder in the process, we in the NDC will not countenance any attempt by the EC to twist the sovereign will of the people of Ghana, and until the independent forensic audit of the register is done, we cannot guarantee a peaceful election and anything that happens thereafter is entirely blamable on the EC.

We do hope the National Peace council, the Clergy, Traditional leaders, International bodies, CSOs, Academia, and Trade Unions and so on are watching as these events unfold.


Aluta Continua!

Victory Ascerta!

Long Live Ghana!

Long Live NDC!

Signed Kome

Issah Kantagyere

Regional Communication Officer


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