18th AGM: Let’s unite and forge ahead, WAWCCU Manageress urges Members

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The Manageress of the Wa Workers Co-operative Credit Union, Hajia Alimatu Issaka has underscored the need for unity in the business environment appealing to members of the Wa Workers Co-operative Union to stay more united in order for the Union to continue to strive without any form of strife or rancor amongst members of the Union.

Addressing the media at the Wa Technical Institute on August 3, 2024 during the 18th Annual General Meeting of the Wa Workers Co-operative Credit Union, Hajia Issaka Alimatu, indicated that, the theme chosen for this year’s AGM dubbed ” a family that binds together, grows together” highlights the need for members to stay united and work towards the growth and common interest of the Union.

“We have to come together as one people and work towards the growth of the union. The team selected for this year’s AGM was carefully chosen because united we stand and divided we fall. When you pick a bunch of broom sticks it is difficult to break it but a peace of broom stick can easily be broken hence the need for us to bind together as a family and grow together” Mrs Alimatu urged.

She noted that, the AGM provides Board of Directors and Management of the Credit Union an opportunity to render stewardship to members regarding the financial status of the union, address members grievances and as well welcome fresh ideas from members as to how they want the Union to be administered.

“Each year we come before our members to share with them the progress of the union and how the union is being administered, we account to them of our stewardship, welcome their views and concerns and as well share fresh ideas” she stated.

However, the Manageress bemoaned the lackadaisical attitude of some members who have been recalcitrant towards repaying their credit facilities granted them by the Credit Union. She used the opportunity and appealed to members who have loan obligations with the credit union to honour them.

“Our challenge is that some members have taken loans from us and have refused to pay and if they don’t pay where are we going to get money to give to other members of the union to also solve their problems. I will like to admonished those who are dragging their feet towards paying their loans to kindly do their payment so that we can get other people too credit facilities to solve their problems” She stressed.

Meanwhile, BOD Chairperson of the Wa Workers Co-operative Credit Union, Madam Vivian Nyekanga seized the opportunity and expressed her gratitude to management and staff of Wa Workers Co-operative Credit for their commitment towards serving the interest of members and working tirelessly to continue to propel the Credit Union to greater heights.

Madam Vivian Nyekanga,BOD Chairperson, Wa Workers Co-operative Credit Union.

She also accentuated the needed for members to be honest in repaying loan facilities granted them in order for the Union to continue to serve them. “I will appeal to members to do their very best and pay their loans. Our staff and loan committee members are verbally abused in their quest to retrieve loans from members and that is not the best. So let’s do well to payback our loans on time for others to also get supported”.

The members of the Credit Union during the AGM ratify and renew the mandate of Board of Directors with some old BOD Members  been replaced whiles majority of the BOD Members retained their various portfolios.

Source: Saeed Fatawu|myghanawatch.com|0248265593|


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